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Exam Results 20-21

GCSE Results Overview

“It’s been a really hard 12 to 18 months,” says Stephen Spriggs, consultant at William Clarence Education and quoted in the Daily Telegraph 12 August 2021. “But independent schools have outperformed during the pandemic. They’ve shown there’s real substance, real value to the fees.”

At Rishworth School, we are incredibly proud of our wonderful Year 11 students. On 12 August, those students found out the results they gained in a number of public examinations. They have all experienced a series of problems and setbacks unique to this generation and have not only come through the experiences but have achieved at the highest levels.

Our HPQ students all attained grades A* - B, an astonishing achievement which demonstrates the depth of their research as well as the width demonstrated by a hugely diverse range of research projects, from the uses of graphene, through archery to animal mental welfare. 93% of our students attained grades 4 – 9 in single honours subjects, over 20 curricular areas, as against a national average of 77% and 74% in the region. 97% of our subject grades were within levels 4 – 9. 1 in 5 of our grades were at the highest possible: 9, with half being between 7 – 9, roughly equivalent to the ‘old’ A* - B, levels only attained by 29% of the national cohort. In double honours combined science, 98% attained grades between 33 and 88, with 100% in the Higher Tier gaining grades between 55 and 88. In separate sciences the 4 – 9 attainment rate stood at 98%, and at 100% in Higher tier Mathematics, demonstrating the strength of STEM within the School, although a number of subjects can boast of  very high proportions of 7 – 9 students: nearly half of English Literature students and of Food Technology; over half of Geography students and their peers studying Psychology; 60% of Business students and Physical Education students – and 100% of those taking Higher Tier Spanish!

Exceptional individual achievements included students gaining multiple results at the highest levels: 75% of all students attained at least one GCSE at a level between  7 – 9. Rishworth students this year have gained 3, 4, 6, even 7 GCSE and iGCSE grades at the highest levels – Rahul Sharma gained 7 GCSEs at grade 9 and two more at grade 8. However, we are incredibly proud of all of our students – we aim to ensure that our students excel and exceed their own expectations, and that can mean attaining grades at any level.

Year 13 Results

No cohort since the Second World War has been subject to such uncertainty as the Year 13 who left Rishworth School in July 2021. We have to acknowledge their extraordinary achievements, not only academically, but in all other spheres of their lives, in and out of School. We are always incredibly proud of the achievements of our students– this year we have even more cause to celebrate than ever, given the superb results achieved by our students in post-compulsory education.

We achieved a 100% A-Level pass rate across seventeen subject areas, with nearly a half at A* and more than two thirds at A* - A, and 78% at A*- B. In Music, Drama, and in Languages, all grades were at A*. Students also excelled in STEM subjects; all Biology students gained grades A* – B, with 60% achieving A*; in Chemistry, two thirds of the students were graded at A*; half of the Rishworth mathematicians achieved the highest grade, as did nearly half the physicists. Our Business students were equally successful with 100% gaining between A* - C grades and, again, nearly half at A*. More than 70% of Psychology A Level students gained an A*, as did nearly half of the Business students.

In BTEC subjects, delivered at Rishworth in Design Technology, Food and Sports Science, 65% of grades achieved were at the highest levels possible. In Sports, 87% gained the highest possible grades. Similarly, the Extended Project Qualification saw a 100% pass rate, with 92% at A* - B.

Overall, 56% of Rishworth students gained all A-Levels at grades at A* or A.

Destinations include: Cambridge University (Law), Durham (Natural Sciences and also Geography), Kings College London (Medicine), York (Psychology), Exeter (Business and Management) and Warwick (Economics).

All applicants gained their firm choice place. The broad range of courses reflects the diversity from Law to Business to Medicine to Geography to Criminology and Psychology to Natural Sciences to Aviation Operations with Commercial Pilot Training to Mechanical Engineering to Architecture to Fine art to Sport and Business Management

We could not be more delighted and proud and wish you all every luck in your future endeavours.