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Exam Results 21-22

Year 13 Results

Results in post-16 public examinations at Rishworth School once again reflected the hard work of teachers and students in A-Level, BTEC and RSL courses. For the third consecutive year, over 80% of grades in A Level have been at A* - C, gaining students places at Universities to study subjects ranging from Law to Psychology to Mechanical Engineering.

Nearly half of A-level grades are A* or A, again a consistent trend over the past three years. We are also proud to share that this is 6.1% higher than national achievement.

In BTEC and vocational qualifications, a 100% pass rate also saw 93% of students attaining the highest possible grades in Sport, Food Science and Nutrition, and Drama - our best vocational results ever.

The Extended Project Qualification, worth UCAS points equivalent to half an A-level, is widely encouraged at Rishworth, with outstanding results, nearly two-thirds at the highest possible levels and 100% at A* - C.

Whilst maintaining traditional strengths in Science and Technology subjects, candidates obtained 100% A* or *Distinctions in a wide range of other subject areas:  modern foreign languages, in Art and Design,  in Food and Nutrition and in Drama.

Anthony Wilkins, Head of Rishworth, said: “All of these young people deserve to be congratulated on their outstanding results, in the face of the most challenging educational circumstances for many, many years. Their teachers and their families must also share in those congratulations for the support and commitment they have shown. Rishworth is about an exciting and fulfilling academic journey and the excellent academic achievements of our students are one vital part of our education of the whole person, as demonstrated in our provision of a range of educational, vocational and enrichment opportunities. Leaving School with excellent examination results is important – using and applying those skills to live the best possible life is essential.”


GCSE Results Overview

Students at Rishworth School should be delighted with results in GCSE and other qualifications announced on 25 August reflecting their hard work and determination during a particularly difficult time nationally and globally. Nearly 90% of GCSEs were passed with grades 4 – 9, well in excess of national and regional levels. Nearly a quarter of all GCSE results at Rishworth were with the best possible grades, from 7 – 9.

Results in Maths and English were outstanding: in both subjects, nearly 90% of passes were attained in the top six grades. Our grade 9 – 4 grade achievement rates in Science were over 30% higher than national average, demonstrating the strength of STEM provision within the school.   

Results in Humanities subjects have also been exceptional this year, 100% of students attained with the top bands in subjects ranging from Food and Nutrition to French and Rishworth students continue to perform well in drama, music and the performing arts. In the Higher Project Qualification, 100% of grades were from A* - B.

Anthony Wilkins, Head of Rishworth, said: “The Rishworth experience is designed to provide an exciting and stimulating educational adventure both in and out of the classroom, with outstanding academic results as one of many desired  outcomes. The range of activities on offer, in academic subjects, sport, music and drama, offer opportunities for all students to excel in different areas and to enjoy the widest breadth of experiences. All our students are to be congratulated, as must their families, their teachers and everyone else involved in their success.”