What type of boarding?
At Rishworth School we understand that life can be hectic and full of surprises, so we have a very flexible approach to boarding and offer a number of options for our families.
When considering the arrangement that best suits your family, we have the following options: full boarding, weekly boarding, flexi boarding or even a combination of these. For instance, flexi boarders may wish to weekly board during exam times or become full boarders in the Sixth Form.
Whichever option you choose, we are skilled at helping students settle in very quickly and feel at home. We offer taster stays, have new boarders arrive the day before the rest of the school and appoint buddies in house and in form to guide them through the first few weeks and beyond. Students are encouraged to keep in regular touch with their parents - via email, Zoom, Facetime, text or phone call home when they wish. House Parents and Matron are also regularly in touch with parents and our pastoral care is second to none. At Rishworth our boarding community is like one big extended family and the emotional, physical and social welfare of the children in our care is our priority.
Full boarding - This is when a student lives at the school, either going home or to a guardian over half term and Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays. Please note we do not have Exeat weekends. There is a fantastic schedule of activities and events, to keep our boarders fully entertained.
Weekly boarding - Weekly boarding is growing in popularity, particularly for children who live too far away to be day pupils or whose parents work long hours and/or frequently travel abroad. Weekly boarders either go home on Friday evenings or Saturday mornings and return to school on Sunday evenings or Monday mornings.
Flexi boarding - The term flexi boarding captures a variety of options, all of which involve sleeping at school but not with the frequency or consistency of weekly or full boarding. It's a fantastic option if your child has to stay late at school for sport, drama or any other activity one or two nights a week and it's very convenient if work commitments or a social engagement arises. It is also a great option if you want to dip your toe in the water and see if boarding suits your family. We will always do our best to accommodate a pupil at short notice if there’s a family emergency.