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Junior Boarding (up to and including Yr 8)

Rishworth School is delighted to announce the re-launch of its Junior Boarding provision. Meeting the needs of the modern family, our junior house is designed to replicate the happy supportive home, with structure and space for children to grow and develop. Warm surroundings (both emotional and physical), adult support, phenomenal opportunities outside of lessons, friendship with peers – it is a far cry from the old-fashioned perception of austere boarding, with minimal emotional interaction.

By providing a home from home with dedicated caring staff, vast amounts of extra-curricular opportunities, structure and space to simply ‘be’, Rishworth is a modern boarding school with a pastoral emphasis that places the child and his or her happiness at the centre of its model. And unless a child is happy they cannot learn and fulfil their potential; far from fracturing family life, the pastorally outstanding boarding environment works alongside parents to ensure a supportive positive experience for their children and a successful fulfilling future.

Recent in-depth research comparing outcomes for children in a boarding school to those in a day school, has shown that the boarding students excelled over the day-students in key areas: motivation, sense of purpose, parent-child relationships, life satisfaction and goal setting - just a few of the areas in which boarders scored much higher. And not only was there no evidence of home-sickness, there were in fact strong indications of hugely improved relationships within the family.

As we start to come out of the pandemic, we have seen an increased demand from families who want flexi, weekly and full boarding options from Years 5 and 6 right through to Sixth form. We are able to meet their needs with our flexible accommodating offer and newly revamped weekend activity programme.

To find out more about Rishworth School’s Junior Boarding programme, please contact our admissions department, who can schedula a meeting (online or in person) with our Head of Boarding - Mrs Kathryn De Ferrer