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F1 in Schools

F1 in Schools

The F1 in Schools Technology Challenge is a multi-disciplinary challenge open to all secondary schools, sixth form colleges, colleges of further education and other organised youth groups. Teams of 3-6 students aged 11 to 19 deploy CAD/CAM software to collaborate, design, analyse, manufacture, test, and then race miniature compressed air powered high density foam F1 cars. Teams of 3 – 6 students are judged on car speed, as well as supporting evidence of their design, verbal presentation and marketing display stand in ‘‘the pits”.

Our Team

Centurion Racing sped through local, regional and national stages to represent the UK at the World Finals in Abu Dhabi in December 2019. Awarded first prizes in Research and Development, Sponsorship and Marketing and Verbal Presentation, Centurion finished as third place World Champions, and incidentally had the only young women on the podium.

More info available here: Centurion Racing


Centurion Highlights Reel